Thursday, July 30, 2009

Best of two worlds

Its human to wish for the best of two worlds.
Its even more human to attempt achieving it.


  1. Something in the likes of parking your bike diagonally in parallel universes ?

    P.S : (Nitpick alert) 'It is' should be shortened as "it's" and not "its"

  2. No, it's more like you are at the restaurant at the end of the universe, and want to have an ice-cream that is not available in that era.

  3. Too bad you missed the figurative interpretation of my comment.
    I was talking about how one stretches one's limits to get what one thinks one wants !

    But interestingly your comment opens up a window in that restaurant at the end of the world ;) Talking about 'world' (in space terms ) and 'era' (in time terms) together thrills me!
