Thursday, July 30, 2009

Best of two worlds

Its human to wish for the best of two worlds.
Its even more human to attempt achieving it.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There is no method to madness

If madness has a method, its not pure.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Its liberating

To know what you did was right because it felt right and no other reason required.

I am the quintessential Bihari

I love Bihari hindi.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sometimes, Timing is everything.

Its like the whole world falls in place perfectly for something to happen. And when you experience that firsthand, you know what is commonly referred to as "destiny".


जहाँ कहीं मिल बैठें हम तुम वहीँ हो गयी मधुशाला

Better late than never?

Confusion is but a state of mind.
Deterministic solutions are just a result of mathematical modelling of real situations and do not consider every relevant variable.

Are exact solutions really needed? Life is interesting in the surprises it throws.
Living life is about living it rather than finding the exact decision mix to optimise the resource allocation across activities.

Monday, July 20, 2009


I had a dream.

I still have dreams.

I dream therefore I am.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


P1:I like it better when its flowing.
without bounds.
without inhibition.
without the fear of what lies ahead.

P2: It is confined for the greater good of mankind.
Let loose, it can cause havoc.